Your one-time gift will support the wide range of activities conducted by Pittsburgh Festival Opera, including education programs, production support, and community outreach efforts.
A recurring monthly gift to Pittsburgh Festival Opera is a convenient and affordable way to express your passion for innovative opera. By making a regular monthly gift, you play a vital role in helping us to bring the highest quality opera to the stage and engaging opera-based education initiatives to the classrooms. The amount may be adjusted at any time. Your first payment will be processed at checkout.
Make your check payable to Pittsburgh Festival Opera and mail to:
Pittsburgh Festival Opera
ATTN: Mark Burnett
159 Perry Highway – Suite 102
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Gifts of stock can be arranged to support Pittsburgh Festival Opera. Please contact Mark Burnett, Director of Development at or 412-707-4503.
Consider including Pittsburgh Festival Opera in your estate planning. You should discuss planned giving options with your financial advisor or your estate attorney.
Sample language for your will: I give to Pittsburgh Festival Opera (Tax ID #25-1342994), a nonprofit organization currently located at 159 Perry Highway – Suite 102, Pittsburgh, PA 15229, the sum of $_____ (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.”
If you are 70½ years old or older, you can make a gift to Pittsburgh Festival Opera through your IRA and take advantage of the tax benefits. You can give up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to a qualified charity like Pittsburgh Festival Opera without having to pay taxes on the money.
If your company is authorized to do business in Pennsylvania and pays any of the following taxes, it is eligible to receive the tax credits:
How to Apply – Companies apply for the tax credits through the state’s online process.
Click here to apply:
Click here for additional information and guidelines:
For more information or to donate by phone, please contact Mark Burnett, Director of Development at 412-707-4503 or